Empowering Women Through Active Learning & Networking | WOW Cruise by De Harris
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Empowering Women Through Active Learning & Networking | WOW Cruise by De Harris

As a business owner, I have run into my fair share of challenges along the way. One of the main issues I had in running my business was its location. I opted for a luxurious corporate home office (smile) which has sometimes made my daily routine feel as if I was on a deserted island with just my two girls, a tri-polar dog and my computer as my only source of contact with the outside world. Please understand that I would not trade the past few years for anything in the world, especially since after finally taking the plunge, I have been able to make a fairly decent living while being able to home school my children. However, there is that pesky little problem of not being able to connect with other professionals like I would if I had to drive into work every day. In finding answers to this issue, I soon found myself brought to a higher calling of empowering women.

If you have your own home business or even dream of working from home then you will understand where I am coming from as I share these frustrations with you. What I discovered when creating the WOW Network is that I truly had the power to do something about my lack of contact with the world and any other challenges I was to face along the way. Through the help of my beautiful partner Bea, we have been able to create some great connections while also empowering women in varying degrees through one on one contact and various networking events. What developed from a need to meet other business professionals and expand my own reach, has now morphed into an ever-increasing desire to do my part in empowering women everywhere, not in just one aspect but in all areas of their lives. This evolution has spawned a brand new adventure beyond those networking events and online workshops into the WOW ‘Workshops On Water’ Bahamas Cruise. I am truly excited about this because of the gap it will fill by providing a growth-centered environment where we can connect, learn, and share with one another within a truly strategic framework in an effort to answer those questions that haunt every woman in life and business.

Questions like:

  • Why am I not moving forward in my business?
  • What do I need to do to move my career forward?
  • When will my business start making money?
  • How can I find my life’s calling so I can break free from the cycle?
  • What do I need to do to stop standing in my own way?
  • and so many more

You should see all the email and inbox messages I receive from women who are looking for more than just a plan, these women want answers! Answers we have but with only so many hours in a day we are left to meet women where they are and ‘hope’ to make the impact one woman at a time. Our goal in even creating the ‘Workshops On Water’ Cruise as a working vacation is to provide workable answers to those questions that seem to keep our dreams and aspirations in limbo. We are dedicated more than ever to truly empowering women through active learning and networking as a way to help each woman move forward and live their best life.  Our plan during the cruise is to focus the workshop topics around the guests so we are sure to provide the tools and resources to help each guest to find their own definition of success within their life, career and business. Once we have filled our allotted cabin count, we will begin surveying the guests to find out exactly where the gaps are and begin the process of creating specific workshops to fill those needs. What makes this approach even more alluring is that we already have quite an array of registrants, which will make this cruise/workshop unlike any that you have ever experienced before.

Of course, I could go on and on but more than anything, I want you to understand that regardless of where you may be in your career or business, you do truly hold the key when it comes to making fundamental changes within your journey. Networking with others, investing in your ongoing education and enjoying life should be high on your list of ‘To Do’s’. How it will manifest in your life will be different from mine and that is the beautiful part. I know I started out just thinking about how I could develop my business and now the journey has lead me to ask “how I can help YOU prosper within your life and in business?’

Women do it best when we help, listen and engage with one another. The WOW Network for Women is simply a platform to make it easier for you to do just that – grow within and help grow one another. So check out the details and register for the WOW Workshops On Water Cruise. It will be a true honor to not only meet you but also learn more about what you do and how you influence others in your life. ~De

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De Harris is an Alliance Business Professional with over 17 years of expertise as a manager, business owner, and personal & business development coach. She is passionately dedicated to keeping the web challenged expert in the know by offering solid networking connections and support through educational opportunities with leading authorities from around the world. Make sure toFollow De and download your FREE GIFT HERE!

Email: [email protected]

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